Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server. The Web Server is not Configured correctly.

Unable to Start Debugging on the Web Server. The Web Server is not Configured correctly.


1 min read

Visual Studio Error


This blog is regarding one issue which happened a couple of days back while building a demo app.


One of the freshers in my company had this issue and I tried to resolve it. The opportunity is huge when you try to put yourself in their boot. They do crazy things and break the application. However, as my tech name is “BugTrapper“, so I started my research.


Then I found that the application is hosted in IIS with an IP in the binding.


Now, I wanted to check the Project Url in the Project Properties. This is what I saw.


So, it’s obvious now. The problem is the URL mismatch.


I just updated the Project Url to the IP mentioned in IIS. Voila!!! All started working at the next moment.

Have you ever Faced This?

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